Stoneridge SE5000 1C-2 Digital Tachograph

Stoneridge SE5000 1B Digital Tachograph
Stoneridge 2400 Analog Tachograph

Since 2006, the digital tachograph system has been actively used within the European Union. By 2012, it began to be observed that it was not meeting some requirements. In this context, work began on a new generation intelligent digital tachograph system to enhance the security level of the digital tachograph system and to enable new applications through digital tachographs.

The related technical preparations were largely completed in 2015, and Regulation EU 165/2014 was published in the Official Journal of the EU on March 18, 2016.

The new digital tachograph, which can be defined as Smart 1C, was later updated to become Smart 1C-2.

Stoneridge SE5000 Smart 2 is a type-approved digital tachograph compliant with the latest European regulations. This new tachograph is designed to meet the requirements of the Extended Smart 2, which came into effect in August 2023 (EU 2016/799).

SE5000 1C Smart 2 is used in EU countries as required by legislation. In Turkey, it is also mandatory to be installed in vehicles produced domestically and exported to EU countries.

However, for use within our country, valid digital tachographs still continue under the 1B type approval category.

Stoneridge Electronic Inc.'nin It is Türkiye Distributor.

Stoneridge SE5000 1C-2 Digital Tachograph
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